Tapi saya tetap bersyukur, karena hadiah iPad tersebut telah ditukarkan penyelenggara dengan uang yang di transfer ke PayPal.. Hmm, lumayan ada tambahan hasil dari internet diluar program review :D.
Berikut cuplikan email dari penyelenggara ketika saya mengirim email ke mereka untuk klaim hadiah iPad saya :
For international bloggers, what we will do is send you the monetary
equivalent of the iPad, so $xxx. Congratulations!
But I first need you to verify that you are the owner of that blog /
blog entry. What I need you to do is to edit the blog post, and add at
the very bottom your paypal account email. (You can just add a line
like "xxxx, my paypal email is my@email.com")
Once you do this, please email me again and I'll find the line at the
bottom of the entry, and send you the money at that paypal address.
Dan semua sudah beres, karena hadiah tersebut sudah dikirim ke paypal saya.
kami datang berkunjung, website social bookmarking indonesia
ReplyDeleteshare your artikel with us http://disuka.com
hehehhehe. . . gpp maz yg penting dpt uang ntk beliin Ipad kan bisa hehe. . .atau ksh aza uangnya keQ :D
ReplyDeletehello friends.. thank you..
ReplyDeletei want to be ur friend
ReplyDeletewah selamat ya mas boleh pinjem ipadna
ReplyDeleteNgga' papa bos, yg penting dapet mentahnya aja.hehe...
ReplyDeleteselamat ya..salam kenal dari saya bos!
salam kenal, jalin persahabatanb
ReplyDeleteSelamat mas..gak ada iPad dollarpun jadi tapi tetap jadi pemenang yang diakui.
ReplyDeletewow selamat ya sob
ReplyDeletewah selamat ya mas?
ReplyDeletewalopun ga dapet ipadnya tapi dapet mentahannya
wah, mantap tuh.... sy kr...outside US benar2 ndak bs dapet gituan, tp ya syukur deh bs diganti dengna paypal cash...