Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Understanding Forex Orders

Forex Orders Explained

A market order is an order to buy or sell which is to be filled rapidly at the current exchange rate quotation under normal market conditions. A market order is what you use when you want to execute an order immediately at the current market price, it is displayed as a bid or ask price. The information in this article is a brief introduction to understanding today's Forex Market Order.

Entry Orders: An entry order is an order that is executed when a particular price level is reached and/or broken. The execution of these orders are under the dealing desk and remain in effect until the client cancels the order.

Limited Entry Orders: All Entry Limit Orders work to initiate an open position to sell each time the market rises, or buy each time the market falls. The client believes the market will bounce to the opposite direction at the level of the order.
1. Buy Entry Limit: An order to buy at a price below the current exchange value.
2. Sell Entry Limit: An order to sell at a price above the current exchange.

Entry Stop Orders: This type of order initiates an open position to sell every time the market falls, or buy every time the market rises. The client believes that prices will continue to move in the same direction every time the previous momentum after hitting the order level.
1. Buy Entry Stop: An order to BUY at a price above the present exchange.
2. Sell Entry Stop: An order to SELL at a price below the current market value.

Limit Orders: A limit order placed on a Buy position is a limit entry order to SELL that position; this is for the purpose of locking in the gains on an existing position. A stop-limit order remains valid until the position is liquidated or the client cancels the stop-limit order.

Stop-Loss Orders: An order linked to a specific market trade position to close that market trade position and prevent additional losses. A stop-loss order will be executed when the displayed price on GTS touches the order price. The executed price will be the order price or in the case of a fast market the order will be executed at the next displayed price, however, when a stop-loss order is placed on a buy market trade position it is an order to sell that market trade position.

Stop-Loss Orders: A stop-loss is an entry order linked to a specific trade position for the purpose of stopping the trade position from accruing additional losses and a stop-loss order placed on a buy trade position is a stop entry order to sell linked to that trade position. A stop-loss order remains effective until the trade position is liquidated or the client cancels the stop-loss order. While a stop-loss order on a sell trade position is an order to buy that trade position; keep in mind that any stop-loss orders remain effective until the trade position is liquidated or canceled by the client.

Any stop-loss orders will stay open until the debt exchange position is either settled or canceled by the client. While a stop-loss order on a sell exchange position is an order to buy that exchange position.



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  2. makasi infonya mas, saya tungu info berikutnya ya

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  4. Hati2 forex mengandung resiko besar jika tidak tau menjalankannya, cos udah pengalaman profit and loss banyak :)

  5. nice post man, aku tunggu postingan berikutnya ya

  6. terimkasih postingannya.. belajar forex sama sama :)

  7. Understanding Forex Orders.... ngeri ach...

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    salam kenal mas toni!

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